Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good Ethic's, Morals or Integrity, You be the judge...

Back in 2008 during the last Council election two letters were received one addressed to me and one to the Arizona Republic. Not wanting to be involved in a mud slinging campaign I elected to hold onto this until now. Letter From Concerned Citizens of New Mexico.

The following article was published by the Arizona Republic as a result of receiving the second letter. After their extensive research the McAchran story was released and found even more enlightening. The McAchran Story

Most of you are already aware that I ran against Councilman McAchran in this election. I represented a fresh new prospective for the town of Buckeye. I am not part of any Inner Circle nor could I ever have been considered a Good Old Boy. I do not take bribes, do not do favors nor do I like owing anyone. I was purely wanting to donate my time to assist in building a better place to work, live in and play in. I was a threat to the inner circle so therefore they made sure McAchran won.

Most do not know there should have been a run off between the two of us. This did not happen because District 3 was told to vote in our district (Bales Elementary) instead in their own (Yonkers). No one ever knew this took place until I was contacted by a town employee who told me what had happened. After further research we found that 8 people voted for McAchran and that made the difference from having a run off. I contacted the offices of elections and they confirmed this had taken place but they would not do anything because of the amount of time which had past. Rather than making a big deal about it I just went on with life "no big deal."

Over the past year many citizens have shared their dissatisfaction with McAchran's performance and as a result I am now here speaking against him. Recently the Mayor requested I do what ever it takes to make sure the recalls do not take place. I told him he was the skipper of a sinking ship and only he can keep her from sinking. I expressed that its not solely me who is spearheading the recalls, I was just a voice for the people. The recall itself was being organized by many of townspeople who are done with the old ways from the past. Some refer to them as newbies but I happen to know there are also many old timers involved as well.

I further explained he needs to address the termination of Ms. Guy and Mr. Rounds because this was another explosive issue festering in the town. I told him the recalls would just have to work themselves out naturally as recalls are intended to do.

Because I represent many I will not just go away and I will continue to post any and all information that is found to be of importance to the citizens at large within Buckeye. I promise if the concerns raised on this blog are not dealt with we will continue until all concerns have been addressed.

Brian McAchrans new blog

I found it interesting that Councilman McAchran found it necessary to have a need for his own blog to defend himself. He was always welcome to respond via this blog but instead choose to lash out and tell me to seek professional help along with many other extremely rude and unprofessional emails.

In the spirit of fair journalism I have provided the following link to his blog as follows.

I would like to make one comment about the recall statement he displays on his blog. This statement has been amended to allow for more latitude then just Conflict of Interest. We have an extensive team digging through public records and as a result of our findings it was felt a more open statement for recall was required. This statement has or will be submitted by Mr. Pope to be revised. The recall for Council McAchran will still continue.

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Evidence is Forthcoming

Information is coming in everyday which is very incriminating for the infamous four shown below. It is just a matter of time when the evidence will be enough to support a full blown investigation on the town's past affairs. If Ms. Guys, Mr. Rounds, Mr. Hardesty and Mr. McAchran resign now they may be able to live normal and quite lives elsewhere.

So come on yourselves and the town all the embarrassment. Resign now or face the music. Rumors have it Mr. Rounds might be thinking about it...

Also I want to thank everyone who has requested that I run for Council in District
1. As a result of your request, I am now seriously considering it and will make a decision sometime next week. I also hope others will come forward within district 1 as well.

I have heard there might be multiple candidates running in Hardesty's district. I personally know of one candidate. Everyone keep the faith...Buckeye Citizens will prevail. In a couple of days I will be able to show additional proof why these individuals must leave Buckeye.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Buckeye's Most Wanted Resignations

The citizens of Buckeye would like to see the following elected officials and town management resign immediately or face recall and embarrassment.

Ace of Spades Councilman Hardesty: Conflict of Interest / Lack of Integrity and Moral Ethics

King of Spades Councilman McAchran: Conflict of Interest / Lack of Integrity and Moral Ethics

Queen of Spades Town Mgr. J. Guy: Incompetence / Lack of Integrity and Moral Ethics

Jack of Spades Asst. Town Mgr. S. Rounds: Incompetence / Lack of Integrity, Honesty and Moral Ethics

Monday, March 23, 2009

Town Officials Just Don't Get It!

Over the past week I have spoken to several individuals within the Town who were either past or present employee’s. I was shocked about what I learned. Hopefully the Mayor and Council can make a responsible decision and rid our town of such deplorable behavior.

Friday night at the Rodeo I had a friendly discussion with Mayor Meck. Though I share his concerns, we do not see eye to eye on the issues. Mayor Meck states he has been working to bring big business to the town and all the bad press is not helping. As a matter of fact it might even delays things.

I tried to explain to Mayor Meck there is an easy solution to the town’s current problems. I simply stated, address the problems by doing the right thing and the press would go away or better yet write more positive stories as a result of his actions.

I expressed once more for the record the Mayor and Council should sever the town’s relationship with Ms. Guy and Mr. Rounds.

I also reminded him that he should ask for the resignations of Councilmen Hardesty and McAchran. He was very reluctant to even discuss this with me. Though he didn’t say much about Hardesty he seemed very protective in the case of Councilman McAchran.

I remember telling Mayor Meck the following for which he disagreed…"Mayor Meck I stated…Right now you are the CEO of a sinking ship! You need to make some serious decisions on how you are going to keep her afloat”. I stated I felt the removal of the four individuals mentioned earlier would be the best course to navigate today.

By removing the current Upper Town management and Councilmen mentioned, it would send a powerful message to all the citizens of our town that this town will no longer tolerate corruption or the “Good Old Boy Inner Circle anymore”.

Though I believe Mayor Meck intends nothing but good for the town, I’m afraid he just does not get it or is affraid of some sort of reprecussion. He wants to stop the recalls and pretend all is well with the Town’s management. he also wants to have small one on one meetings with those who oppose the Secret Circle in hopes to quash it all.

The Mayor was very insistent on these meetings. I suggested perhaps an old fashion Executive town hall meeting was in order. This way we could have a closed meeting and contro press. Attendies would include only local town press and with speakers from the audience following an agenda. The speakers would be allowed only to make statements to support the demand for removal of the Council Members and Town Management in an orderly fashion. This would be the final opportunity for the Mayor and Council to do the right thing. If they failed to respond accordingly then the public recalls and public demands will escalate even more.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this. Should the Mayor and Council ask for the resignations without a meeting? Do you feel a meeting of this type should be required when dealing with issues or concerns of this nature? We look forward to your responses.

Councilman Hardesty Conflict of Interest Update

About eight months after Buckeye Councilman David Hardesty voted to award Core Construction a $1.7 million contract to build Town Hall; the construction firm hired his company to do the insulation work.

Is this a conflict of interest?

Yes: 89.47%

No: 10.53%

Total Votes: 171