Saturday, April 11, 2009

Recall Petitions Going Well in District One

Early reports show that many of the Citizens in District 1 are ready for change. It has become blaring to most Councilman McAchran has truly demonstrated he clearly does not understand the meaning of Conflict of Interest. I has been reported that a total of 75 signatures were collected within a three hour period. There will be no petitioning for signatures on April 12Th due to it is Easter Sunday.

The Petition signature drive will be back in full force as of next weekend and will continue to collect signatures until June 28Th. Based on the total collected signatures already received we will greatly exceed the number of total signatures required to officially declare a successful recall and move to the next stage. If you reside in Councilman McAchran's District and for some reason you have been missed, please send an Email to Citizens For A Better Buckeye to let us know and we will send a representative to you to collect your signature.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Email From Councilman McAchran Targeting Rick Fernandez

The email was received in response to our requesting that Councilman McAchran display the amended "Recall Statement". We felt this was necessary so it did not confuse the Citizens of the town. The following is the Amened Recall Statement that is being circulated with the Recall petitions.

"Councilman Brian McAchran is being recalled by the citizens of District One as a result of his past and present actions including his prior background as a police officer. We feel Councilman McAchran has repeatedly lied to the townspeople from the very first day of his campaign to present. Based on Councilman McAchran’s past it clearly shows he lacks integrity and has not demonstrated that he is capable of making rational or ethical decisions in the best interest of the town or his district."

Councilman McAchrans response to our request was the following;


Sorry for the delay in response. I stand by my earlier comments. If you had any legitimate criminal/immoral information (which you don't), you would have long ago published it. You changed the narrative for the recall package, because the information on the first package submitted was shown to be a lie. So it seems Rick that you are the liar.

And even though it was Brian Pope who turned the package in, you drove him to Town Hall and waited outside. Were you afraid of putting the lies forward? Were you concerned about the possibility of legal recourse?

In Response to Councilman McAchran's email we would like to respond in this public forum so all the Citizens of this town will see that we are not backing down from our claims and that we will publish the information which constitutes multiple "Conflict's of Interest" as per the Attorney Generals Agency Handbook.

Councilman McAchran:

The following is in response to your email above.

1. We have evidence that you violated some statutes found within the A.R.S. §§ 38-501to -511 under the Arizona Revised Statues considered "Conflict of Interest." We are still researching your background to include and businesses that you are either indirectly or directly involved in within the town of Buckeye. At this time we are unaware of any criminal activities but as always we reserve the right to seek criminal prosecution if deemed to be required.

2. There are no known requirements at this time to publish any more information than we have already produced. I can assure you though we have documentation that will be released when the time is right that should seriously make you consider tendering your resignation.

3. With the above being said we concluded it was more accurate and pertinent to the recall to amend the Recall statement to open the way for multiple offenses of Conflict of Interest thus violating the A.R.S as stated above.

4. We will see who the liar is when we finally disclose the documents mentioned in item # 1. Otherwise your statement has no basis or merit.

5. This is definitely not true. However; I did accompany him when he updated the Recall Statement.

6. Lastly I am not concerned nor afraid of legal recourse because all evidence of your Conflicts are that of public record. If these documents are not factual. I then suggest you seek legal remedy from those who have published these documents where they can be reviewed by the public.

Monday, April 6, 2009

More Come Forward With Knowledge Of Councilman McAchrans Conflct of Interest

There is so much going on it has just been a whirlwind day! Please plan on attending tomorrow night's Council meeting to watch this unfold. We are about to release undisputable facts that Councilman McAchran has been untruthful all along!

A most recent Blog written by Republic editorial writer Monica Alonzo-Dunsmoor On Councilman Brian McAchran: Part I, has stirred up one individual who seems to know quite a bit about Councilman McAchran. Strangely enough it falls in line with exactly why the CITIZENS FOR A BETTER BUCKEYE is recalling him. The following is what the blogger wrote;

posted by NoturGUY on Apr 6, 2009 at 07:59 PM

Mac, Montana would be a great place for you to invest. Perhaps Johnson needs a co-signer for his two week move. Come on man, we are tired already of your inability to tell the truth as it relates to the chronological order, that means, sequence of events, in the financial backing of businesses owned by you. Why would you not ABSTAIN from voting on any agenda item that might have legal, moral and conflict of interest associated with it. This is why we pay our "legal" staff for... You are done. Your millions will not keep you in office. Use them to help Carl move. He knows your done. Obviously, Guy wants the PD to suffer. I will wait for one more day to disclose what Guy has asked Mann to do. Here is the chance for someone else to jump in there with the information that will knock the jock straps off the men who provide law enforcement protection to the Town. If I don't see it by tomorrow I will let you in a some "top" secret bull crap that is brewing from the ranks of Guy and Scooter Rounds. What a JOKE! Brian, a lie is a lie. The truth is the truth. Both can and will be sourced and verified. Tomorrow we should hear from the attorney general. Terry, make the right decision and investigate these unethical public servants. BRUCENJOHNSON what do you have to say to this?

I quess this will have to unfold as the blogger stated so, STAY TUNED...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Recall Statement for Councilman McAchran

Councilman McAchran's blog Buckeye-the conversation continues to dispute the facts of Public Records. His blog is merely an attempt to cloud the truth. If he was really upfront and honest he would present the amended version of the Recall Statement that was filed with the Town Clerk.

I guess he doesn't agree with it as well. Maybe that's because it means the same thing but only more open ended so the citizens can find more wrong doings.

The new Councilman McAchran Recall Statement reads as follows;

"Councilman Brian McAchran is being recalled by the citizens of District One as a result of his past and present actions including his prior background as a police officer. We feel Councilman McAchran has repeatedly lied to the townspeople from the very first day of his campaign to present. Based on Councilman McAchran’s past it clearly shows he lacks integrity and has not demonstrated that he is capable of making rational or ethical decisions in the best interest of the town or his district."

Buckeye mayor: Put recall on hold or risk stimulus money

Arizona Republic article "Buckeye mayor: Put recall on hold or risk stimulus money" on April 2nd raises concerns and question from bloggers.

Mayor Meck warns the Recall efforts targeting the three Town Council members could jeopardize Buckeye's chances of getting federal stimulus money and make developers shy away.

According to the many bloggers who reacted with comments on this article, they could not find any truth to these claims while searching public records found on governmental sites. One blogger was unable to confirm the Mayor's "Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant" and offered up proof that the Mayor's claim may be untrue. This blogger obtained the following information "AZ.XLS" from the US Department of Energy federal website.

One blogger did some research by contacting the WIFA and was told by WIFA that the town did not make the deadline, but when I check the lists, it shows that we are on a priority list II which means that if addidtional funding is avail they may move us up to the priority 1 list. The blogger further stated; "The projects in Section 1 will be required to submit a Project Finance Application and will be subject to a full loan analysis which includes verification of legal, managerial,financial and technical capacity. A loan will not be approved if the applicant is unable to meet all loan and ARRA requirements and is unable to meet the constructioncommencement date provided in application. The projects in Section 2 may be moved into Section 1 if additional ARRA funding is identified. From what I can tell on the App for priority list, it does not ask about current Recall."

This same blogger also stated they had also learned when asking WIFA if there were extentions available for the stimulus recovery funds, the response was no if your Application was not received by March 6th, you are ineligible. If Meck is talking about the Loan program then there is still some misrepresentation. Buckeye is eligible to apply for this, but it is only so that the town may be placed on a priority list. The application is not for the actual loan.

From what the citizens can take from this story and the research provided, it seems that the Mayor was attempting to strongarm the citizens. Some might even call it a form of Blackmail. In any case perhaps the Mayor should listen to the town's citizens and request the resignations from the two Councilmembers and the Towns management Guy / Rounds.

We are already hearing from the citizen's thier disapproval of the Mayor's most recent political play and there is talk they are not happy.

Recall Pack for Councilman Hardesty to be turned in April 7th

We learned this weekend the recall Package for Councilman Hardesty will be turned into the town clerk on April 7th. Once this takes place the first candidate to run for District 4 will be named and the recall petitions will begin to circulate in that district.

We have also learned that District 1 recall petitions are already in circulation and so far early reports show district 1 citizens want someone else to represent them.

We will report the collected recall signatures at the end of each month begining on April 30th, May 31st and the final report on June 30th. The recall pack for Councilman McAchran will be turned into the town on or before July 1st.

A Special thanks to all the volunteers within these two districts who are working to bring change and a better future to Buckeye.