Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Email From Councilman McAchran Targeting Rick Fernandez

The email was received in response to our requesting that Councilman McAchran display the amended "Recall Statement". We felt this was necessary so it did not confuse the Citizens of the town. The following is the Amened Recall Statement that is being circulated with the Recall petitions.

"Councilman Brian McAchran is being recalled by the citizens of District One as a result of his past and present actions including his prior background as a police officer. We feel Councilman McAchran has repeatedly lied to the townspeople from the very first day of his campaign to present. Based on Councilman McAchran’s past it clearly shows he lacks integrity and has not demonstrated that he is capable of making rational or ethical decisions in the best interest of the town or his district."

Councilman McAchrans response to our request was the following;


Sorry for the delay in response. I stand by my earlier comments. If you had any legitimate criminal/immoral information (which you don't), you would have long ago published it. You changed the narrative for the recall package, because the information on the first package submitted was shown to be a lie. So it seems Rick that you are the liar.

And even though it was Brian Pope who turned the package in, you drove him to Town Hall and waited outside. Were you afraid of putting the lies forward? Were you concerned about the possibility of legal recourse?

In Response to Councilman McAchran's email we would like to respond in this public forum so all the Citizens of this town will see that we are not backing down from our claims and that we will publish the information which constitutes multiple "Conflict's of Interest" as per the Attorney Generals Agency Handbook.

Councilman McAchran:

The following is in response to your email above.

1. We have evidence that you violated some statutes found within the A.R.S. §§ 38-501to -511 under the Arizona Revised Statues considered "Conflict of Interest." We are still researching your background to include and businesses that you are either indirectly or directly involved in within the town of Buckeye. At this time we are unaware of any criminal activities but as always we reserve the right to seek criminal prosecution if deemed to be required.

2. There are no known requirements at this time to publish any more information than we have already produced. I can assure you though we have documentation that will be released when the time is right that should seriously make you consider tendering your resignation.

3. With the above being said we concluded it was more accurate and pertinent to the recall to amend the Recall statement to open the way for multiple offenses of Conflict of Interest thus violating the A.R.S as stated above.

4. We will see who the liar is when we finally disclose the documents mentioned in item # 1. Otherwise your statement has no basis or merit.

5. This is definitely not true. However; I did accompany him when he updated the Recall Statement.

6. Lastly I am not concerned nor afraid of legal recourse because all evidence of your Conflicts are that of public record. If these documents are not factual. I then suggest you seek legal remedy from those who have published these documents where they can be reviewed by the public.

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