Friday, April 17, 2009

The Buckeye PD Squad 6

This time instead of something negative we want to highlight those in public safety in a more positive light for a change.

I have noticed on the Buckeye Town websites home page there is a picture of a group of police officers known as "Squad 6" along with some over their most recent successful crime statistics for the past year and comments from the officers.

Since I am on the Board of Directors for our community I have had the need to work with some of these officers on occasion over the last year. With their assistance we have been able to keep our community safe as well as graffiti and drug free. As a result of their dedication to our community and the town of Buckeye overall, I commend these Seven Officers on a job well done on the behalf of my Community and the Citizens For A Better Buckeye.

Always remember our Police Officers put their lives at risk everyday in order to keep the Citizens of this Town and its Communities Safe. It is the responsibility of each and everyone of us to notify our Police Department if you are witnessing or have any information on a crime which has already been committed. The most effective way to contact the department is to call (623)349-6400 a Non-emergency number.

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