Monday, March 9, 2009

UPDATE to Ms. Guy’s Salary Increase

As previously reported in my last blog it was pointed out the Buckeye’s Town Manager Ms. Guy had given her self a 5% salary increase. Today according to my sources Ms. Guy now has decided not to receive this salary increase.

Though the information I received came from a reliable source it has yet to be confirmed. I hope to have a more accurate confirmation within the next couple of days. In my opinion this sudden change of heart if true does not change the facts.

The facts are Ms Guy is still under qualified and continuing to cost the town money. My advice to Ms. Guy is to simply resign before even more damaging information is exposed. The same goes for anyone else who has used their position for personal gain other than normal honest employment.


berin09 said...

Mr Fernandez,

I would check to see if Mrs. Guy is on contract or considered a regular employee. If she is considered a regular employee, it will be alot harder to get rid of her. She will have to go thru the same process as a regular employee. Will be much harder to discipline her. She cant give herself a raise, and current paperwork I have shows 160k. That was before her review. So if she got a raise only the council could give it to her. The state statutes need to be looked at really close regarding executive sessions. It is very specific on what has to be released to the public. Yes some exec sessions minutes can be considered public.

Anonymous said...

Council McAchran:

She lied to you also, just like she did to the rest of Council and the Mayor!

She breached an oral agreement to be certified by the year end of 2008. Then she publically announces there is no such program and therefore she is pursuing a Bachlor degree instead.

What are you and others on the Council afraid of? Does Ms. Guy have something on you folks?

Brian Patrick McAchran said...


only cowards post under alias. I will/have always used my own name.